The Dogs You Meet at a Rescue Event
Blogs, Rescue Spotlight

The Dogs You Meet at a Rescue Event

The Dogs You Meet at a Rescue Event by Lynn Stacy-Smith As both a dog lover and a dog professional, my favorite part of being a sponsor or vendor at dog related events is visiting with the actual dogs, even though sometimes my heart feels like it is going to break when I hear the… Continue reading The Dogs You Meet at a Rescue Event

Blogs, Dog and Animal Stories, Forever Dogs: Stories of Awesome Dogs, Rescue Spotlight

Adventures in Rescue Transport: Gypsy & Coco

I just wanted to be able to tell them that it would all be ok, that we would keep them safe and find them a new home where they wouldn't be scared and they could always be together, but that they had to get out of my car and go see the veterinarian before anything else could happen.